Farelos Musicais #160 – Forest

A frase “Porque você não percebe que sou eu” refere-se à Santíssima Trindade, ao elo entre Deus e humanos ou à conexão entre humanidade e a Mãe Natureza ou o Meio Ambiente? Na nossa jornada sobre System of a Down chegamos a Forest do álbum Toxicity. Será uma música ambientalista ou espiritualista? Heitor Loureiro é o convidado para debatermos essas duas visões que se complementam na bela letra da música. Para ouvir é só clicar no play.
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Confiram abaixo a letra de Forest:
Walk with me my little child
To the forest of denial
Speak with me my only mind
Walk with me until the time
And make the forest turn to wine
You take the legend for a fall
You saw the product
Why can’t you see that you are my child
Why don’t you know that you are my mind
Tell everyone in the world, that I’m you
Take this promise to the end of you
Walk with me my little friend
Take this promise to the end
Speak with me my only mind
Walk with me until the end
And make the forest turn to sand
You take the legend for a fall
You saw the product
Why can’t you see that you are my child
Why don’t you know that you are my mind
Tell everyone in the world, that I’m you
Take this promise to the end of you
Take this promise for a ride
You saw the forest, now come inside
You took the legend for its fall
You saw the product of it all
No televisions in the air
No circumcisions on the chair
You made the weapons for us all
Just look at us now
Why can’t you see that you are my child
Why don’t you know that you are my mind
Tell everyone in the world, that I’m you
Take this promise to the end of you