Farelos Musicais #170 – Deer Dance

A dança do cervo… ou seria a dança do veado? Cultura dos povos nativos norte-americanos ou uma crítica à atualíssima sociedade do consumo que gera distorções, discriminações e repressões cada vez mais violentas? Venha saber mais sobre a letra de Deer Dance dos pujantes System of a Down em mais um episódio do #podcast Farelos Musicais dedicado aos músicos de origem armena. Simbora comigo e com o já tradicional convidado especial o Dr. Heitor Loureiro. É só clicar no play!
Pra seguir o Heitor, todos os links para as redes sociais dele estão aqui – pra facilitar, o Twitter dele é: https://twitter.com/doutorheitor
O PODCAST está no Youtube, veja aqui… Para quem quiser ouvir e seguir pelo Spotify, acesse aqui.
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Confiram abaixo a letra de Deer Dance:
Circumventing circuses lamenting in protest
To visible police, presence sponsored fear
Battalions of riot police with rubber bullet kisses
Baton courtesy, service with a smile
Beyond the Staples Center you can see America
With its tired, poor, avenging disgrace
Peaceful, loving youth against the brutality
Of plastic existence
Pushing little children with their fully automatics
They like to push the weak around
Pushing little children with their fully automatics
They like to push the weak around
A rush of words, pleading to disperse
Upon your naked walls, alive
A political call, the fall guy accord
We can’t afford to be neutral on a moving train
Beyond the Staples Center you can see America
With its tired, poor, avenging disgrace
Peaceful, loving youth against the brutality
Of plastic existence
Pushing little children
With their fully automatics
They like to push the weak around
Pushing little children
With their fully automatics
They like to push the weak around
Push them around
A deer dance, invitation to peace
War staring you in the face, dressed in black
With a helmet, fierce
Trained and appropriate for the malcontents
For the disproportioned malcontents
A little boy smiled, it’ll all be well
And say a little boy smiled, it’ll all be well
Pushing little children with their fully automatics
They like to push the weak around
Pushing little children with their fully automatics
They like to push the weak around
Pushing little children with their fully automatics
They like to push the weak around
Push the weak around
Push the weak around
Push the weak around
They like to push the weak around