Farelos Musicais #46 – Norah Jones

Farelos Musicais #46 – Norah Jones
FM #46- Norah Jones

A cantora norte-americana Norah Jones vem ao Brasil em 2019, mas aparece ainda antes por aqui emprestando sua voz para nossas análises de três momentos distintos da sua carreira. Do primeiro álbum tem Seven Years, depois temos Happy Pills (do Little Broken Hearts) e para fechar Wintertime, do álbum mais recente Begin Again. Vamos lá?


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Confiram abaixo a letra de Seven Years:

Spinning, laughing, dancing to
her favorite song
A little girl with nothing wrong
Is all alone
Eyes wide open
Always hoping for the sun
And she’ll sing her song to anyone
that comes along
Fragile as a leaf in autumn
Just fallin’ to the ground
Without a sound
Crooked little smile on her face
Tells a tale of grace
That’s all her own
Fragile as a leaf in autumn
Just fallin’ to the ground
Without a sound
Spinning, laughing, dancing to her favorite song
She’s a little girl with nothing wrong
And she’s all alone

Em seguida, a letra de Happy Pills:

Trying to pick up the pace
Trying to make it so I never see your face again
Time to throw this away
Want to make sure that you never waste my time again
How does it feel?
Oh, how does it feel
To be you right now, dear?
You brought this upon
So pick up your piece and go away from here
Please just let me go now
Please just let me go
Would you please just let me go now?
Please just let me go
I’m going to get you out
I’m going to get you out
I’m going to get you out of my head
Get out
Gotta get you out
I’ve gotta get you out
I’ve gotta get you out of my head
Get out
Never said we’d be friends
Trying to keep myself away from you
‘Cause you’re bad, bad news
With you gone I’m alive
Makes me feel like I took happy pills
And time stands still
How does it feel?
Oh, how…

Para fechar, a letra de Wintertime:

I’m alone, but I feel alright
In the summertime and the fall
In the spring when the house is dark
Doesn’t bother me at all
I know, I know it’s in the light
The shadows start to move
There’s a hurt, in the wintertime
Makes it hard for you
There’s a dream, a dream I had
That makes me sad on the road
That the sun keeps running from
Everyone I love
I know, I know, I know I’m leaning
I’m leaning on you
It’s hard, I know, I know there isn’t
Much that you can do
I know, I know, I know I’ll make it
I’ll make it through
In the wintertime there’s a candlelight
I only get from you
I know, I know, it’s only light
It’s only light to you
But there’s a thing called the wintertime
I can’t make it through
I know, I know, I know I’m leaning
I’m leaning on you
It’s hard, I know, I know there isn’t
Much that you can do
I know, I know, I know I’ll make it
I’ll make it through
In the wintertime there’s a candlelight
I only get from you

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Paulo Farelos

Deixando alguns farelos para seguir meu caminho… com essa frase, inspirada em conto infantil essa frase marcou o início do projeto Farelos de Pensamento. Este espaço agora não guarda mais apenas pensamentos soltos mas também todos os meus textos que antes estavam espalhados por aí, em meu outro blog, no qual não vou mais escrever e de onde, aos poucos, vou puxar todo o conteúdo também para cá. Mas aqui também vão ter minhas resenhas para filmes e trailers, as minhas crônicas e textos, meus podcasts, meus vídeos. Assim, como meus interesses culturais passeiam pela literatura e os quadrinhos e se concentram com mais força em música e cinema pops, ainda que o circuito de arte também me desperte interesse, então os farelos de pensamentos passaram a ser farelos de qualquer coisa, pois vivo muito de blá-blá-blás e outras amenidades diversas. Um farelo para cada um desses momentos. E o caminho segue. E há tantos caminhos possíveis.