Farelos Musicais #48 – Youth Against Fascism e Diamond Sea

Farelos Musicais #48 – Youth Against Fascism e Diamond Sea
FM #48 – Youth Against Fascism e Diamond Sea – Sonic Youth

Esta semana está cheia de juventude, esta semana está sônica… vamos celebrar o barulho e a distorção ao convidar a banda nova-iorquina Sonic Youth para o episódio de hoje dos Farelos Musicais, com duas canções bem antagônicas entre estilo e proposta: Youth Against Fascism do álbum Dirty e Diamond Sea, do álbum Washing Machine. Vem!


O PODCAST está no Youtube, veja aqui… Para quem quiser ouvir e seguir pelo Spotify, acesse aqui.


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Confiram abaixo a letra de Youth Against Fascism:

Another can of worms
Another stomach turns
Yeah, your ghetto burns
It’s the song I hate, it’s the song I hate
You got a stupid man
You got a Ku Klux Klan
Your fuckin’ battle plan
It’s the song I hate, it’s the song I hate
A sieg heil-in’ squirt
You’re an impotent jerk
Yeah, a fascist twerp
It’s the song I hate, it’s the song I hate
Black robe and swill
I believe Anita Hill
Judge will rot in hell
It’s the song I hate, it’s the song I hate
Yeah, a cross on fire
By a Christian liar
A black attack on fire
It’s the song I hate, it’s the song I hate
Yeah, the president sucks
He’s a war pig fuck
His shit is out of luck
It’s the song I hate, it’s the song I hate
Another nazi attack
A skinhead is cracked
My blood is black
It’s the song I hate, it’s the song I hate
We’re banging pots and pans
To make you understand
We gonna bury you, man
It’s the song I hate, it’s the song I hate
I’m a human wreck
A redneck in check
I killed the teacher’s pet
It’s the song I hate, it’s the song I hate
It’s the song I hate, it’s the song I hate
It’s the song I hate, it’s the song I hate
It’s the song I hate, it’s the song I hate
It’s the song I hate, it’s the song I hate
It’s the song I hate, it’s the song I hate

Confiram abaixo a letra de Diamond Sea:

Time takes its crazy toll
And how does your mirror grow
You better watch yourself when you jump into it
Cuz the mirror’s gonna steal your soul
I wonder how it came to be my friend
That someone just like you has come again
You’ll never, never know how close you came
Until you fall in love with the diamond rain
Throw all his trash away
Look out he’s here to stay
Your mirror’s gonna crack when he breaks into it
And you’ll never, never be the same
Look into his eyes and you can see
Why all the little kids are dressed in dreams
I wonder how he’s gonna make it back
When he sees that you just know
It’s make believe
Blood crystalized to sand
And now I hope you understand
You reflect into his looking glass soul
And now the mirror is your only friend
Look into his eyes and you will see
That men are not alone on the diamond sea
Sail into the heart of a lonely storm
And tell her that you’ll love her eternally
Time takes its crazy toll
Mirror fallin’ off the wall
You better look out for the looking glass girl
Cuz she’s gonna take you for a fall
Look into his eyes and you shall see
Why everything is quiet and nothing’s free
I wonder how he’s gonna make her smile
When love is running wild on the diamond sea

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Paulo Farelos

Deixando alguns farelos para seguir meu caminho… com essa frase, inspirada em conto infantil essa frase marcou o início do projeto Farelos de Pensamento. Este espaço agora não guarda mais apenas pensamentos soltos mas também todos os meus textos que antes estavam espalhados por aí, em meu outro blog, no qual não vou mais escrever e de onde, aos poucos, vou puxar todo o conteúdo também para cá. Mas aqui também vão ter minhas resenhas para filmes e trailers, as minhas crônicas e textos, meus podcasts, meus vídeos. Assim, como meus interesses culturais passeiam pela literatura e os quadrinhos e se concentram com mais força em música e cinema pops, ainda que o circuito de arte também me desperte interesse, então os farelos de pensamentos passaram a ser farelos de qualquer coisa, pois vivo muito de blá-blá-blás e outras amenidades diversas. Um farelo para cada um desses momentos. E o caminho segue. E há tantos caminhos possíveis.