Farelos Musicais #6 – Declare Independence

No Farelos Musicais de hoje, dia da proclamação da República no Brasil, traz Declare Independence, canção da musa Bjork com temática escolhida a dedo para a ocasião.
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Confiram a letra abaixo:
Declare independence
Don’t let them do that to you
Declare independence
Don’t let them do that to you
Declare independence
Don’t let them do that to you
Declare independence
Don’t let them do that to you
Start your own currency
Make your own stamp
Protect your language
Declare independence
Don’t let them do that to you
Declare independence
Don’t let them do that to you
Make your own flag
Make your own flag
Make your own flag
Make your own flag
Raise your flag (higher, higher)
Raise your flag (higher, higher)
Raise your flag (higher, higher)
Raise your flag (higher, higher)
Raise your flag (higher, higher)
Raise your flag (higher, higher)
Declare independence
Don’t let them do that to you
Declare independence
Don’t let them do that to you
Damn colonists
Ignore their patronizing
Tear off their blindfolds
Open their eyes
Declare independence
Don’t let them do that to you
Declare independence
Don’t let them do that to you
With a flag and a trumpet
Go to the top of your highest mountain
And raise your flag (higher, higher)
Raise your flag (higher, higher)
Raise your flag (higher, higher)
Raise your flag (higher, higher)
Raise your flag (higher, higher)
Raise your flag (higher, higher)
Declare independence
Don’t let them do that to you
Declare independence
Don’t let them do that to you
Raise the flag