Farelos Musicais #92 – Dance Yrself Clean

Farelos Musicais #92 – Dance Yrself Clean
FM #92 – Dance Yrself Clean – LCD Soundsystem

Uma banda referência no cenário da música eletrônica vem engrandecer o episódio da semana do #podcast Farelos Musicais, com a clássica Dance Yrself Clean a galera do LCD Soundsystem chega com tudo em nossa pista de dança e vem ouvir…


O PODCAST está no Youtube, veja aqui… Para quem quiser ouvir e seguir pelo Spotify, acesse aqui.


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Confiram abaixo a letra de Dance Yrself Clean:

Walking up to me expecting
Walking up to me
Expecting words
It happens all the time

Present company accepted
Present company
Except the worst
It happens every night

Present company
Excluded every time

Present company
The best that you can find

Talking like a jerk
Except you are an actual jerk
And living proof that sometimes friends are mean

Present company expect it
Present company
Just laugh it off
It’s better than it seems

Present company
Excluded in every way

Present company
Makes me wanna stay

Killing it with close inspecting
Killing it can only make it worse
It sort of makes it breed

Present company accepting
Presently we all expect the worst
Works just like a need

Present company
Excluded in the night

Present company
Included in the fight


Don’t you want me to wake up?
Then give me just a bit of your time
Arguments are made for make ups
So give it just a little more time

We’ve got to bring our results
I wanna play it ‘til the time comes
Forget your string of divorces
Just go and throw your little hands up

I miss the way the night comes
With friends who always make it feel good
This basement has a cold glow
Though it’s better than a bunch of others

So go and dance yourself clean
Go and dance yourself clean
You’re blowing Marxism to pieces
Their little arguments to pieces

It’s your show
It’s your show
It’s your show

Put your little feet down

Every night’s a different story
It’s a thirty car pile-up with you
Everybody’s getting younger
It’s the end of an era, it’s true

And you go
Stop, stop, stop, stop

Break me into bigger pieces
So some of me is home with you
Wait until the weekend
And we can make our bad dreams come true

And it’s a-go
Yeah, it’s a-go
And if we wait until the weekend
We can miss the best things to do

Go and dance yourself clean
Go and dance yourself clean
And blow the Marxism to pieces
Their little arguments to pieces


We should try a little harder
In the tedious march of the few
Every day’s a different warning
There’s a part of me hoping it’s true

0 Seja o primeiro a curtir esse farelo

Paulo Farelos

Deixando alguns farelos para seguir meu caminho… com essa frase, inspirada em conto infantil essa frase marcou o início do projeto Farelos de Pensamento. Este espaço agora não guarda mais apenas pensamentos soltos mas também todos os meus textos que antes estavam espalhados por aí, em meu outro blog, no qual não vou mais escrever e de onde, aos poucos, vou puxar todo o conteúdo também para cá. Mas aqui também vão ter minhas resenhas para filmes e trailers, as minhas crônicas e textos, meus podcasts, meus vídeos. Assim, como meus interesses culturais passeiam pela literatura e os quadrinhos e se concentram com mais força em música e cinema pops, ainda que o circuito de arte também me desperte interesse, então os farelos de pensamentos passaram a ser farelos de qualquer coisa, pois vivo muito de blá-blá-blás e outras amenidades diversas. Um farelo para cada um desses momentos. E o caminho segue. E há tantos caminhos possíveis.